Media Interviews/Appearances

Print Interviews
USAToday, "Call Me By Your Name: Is It Still an Important Cultural Touchstone, Five Years Later?," November 23, 2022.
-, "Lil Nas X's Defiant Pride is Essential to Hip-Hop and DaBaby Debacle is One Reason Why," August 5, 2021.
The New York Times, "In a New AMC Satire, A Sitcom Wife Gets the Last Laugh," June 9, 2021.
The Ringer, “Amid the Black Lives Matter Movement, Hollywood Examines Its Own History of Racism,” July 10, 2020.
Washington Post, “Classic Black Sitcoms like Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Living Single are Finally Streaming. Why Did It Take So Long?," July 9, 2020.
Zora, “Lena Waithe’s ‘Twenties’ Signals LGBTQ+ Progress at BET and Beyond,” March 4, 2020.
Black Press USA (wire service), “Reality TV: The Respectable and the Ratchet,” November 6, 2019.
The Outline, “‘Blackish’ Pushes the Televised Black Family Forward,” May 29, 2018.
Television, Radio and Podcast Interviews
Gayest Episode Ever, “Moesha Meets a Gay Guy,” March 1, 2021.
It’s a Thing, December 2019
Independent Sources, CUNY-TV, January 25, 2016
New Books Network, "The Generic Closet," April 27, 2021.
Matter of Fact Listening Tour with Soledad O'Brien, October 8, 2020.
Marketplace, National Public Radio, “The Legacy of Orange is the New Black,” July 26, 2019.
Iowa Public Radio, "Exploring Black Gayness in Black-Cast Sitcoms," April 15, 2021.
Gayest Episode Ever, “Roc Has a Gay Uncle,” July 8, 2020.
Talk of Iowa, Iowa Public Radio, April 16, 2019.